Liebe Nestflüsterer,
in meinem heutigen >Buchliebe< Beitrag – der letzte liegt auch schon ein Weilchen zurück – möchte ich Euch eine Autorin ans Herz legen, die ich bereits im Jahr 2012 für mich entdeckt habe. Vor über drei Jahren erschien ihr Debüt OPPRESSION (CHILDREN OF THE GODS) bei dem kleinen Verlag Zova Books und konnte mich sehr begeistern (meine Rezension). Im darauffolgenden Jahr veröffentlichte Jessica die Fortsetzung UPRISING (meine Rezension) und bewies, dass sie für ihre Protagonistin Elyse & Co. noch einiges in petto hatte. Ich war absolut geflasht von den Figuren, den Kampfszenen und dem Setting.
Danach wurde es beruflich still um Jessica Therrien, denn nach ihrer Heirat bekam die Autorin binnen kurzer Zeit zwei Kinder. Währenddessen schrieb sie auch weiter am Finale, entschloss aber im letzten Jahr sich von ihrem Verlag zu trennen. Nach einem Re-Design von Carrie Butler sind die Cover von Band 1 und 2, sowie dem letzten Buch, endlich fertig und die (Neu)Veröffentlichung aller Bücher soll noch in diesem Herbst erfolgen. Da ich bereits die alten Cover sehr mochte und diese auch gerne in meinem Regal anschaue, bin ich über die komplette Neugestaltung etwas…sagen wir mal, gedämpft erfreut. Nichtsdestotrotz bin ich sehr froh, dass ich nicht nur alle Cover sondern auch den letzten Band REDEMPTION endlich (!!) vorstellen darf. Lange genug habe ich auf den Abschluss gehofft.
Oppression (Children of the Gods #1)
Elyse knows what it means to keep a secret. She’s been keeping secrets her whole life. Two, actually. First, that she ages five times slower than average people, so that while she looks eighteen years old, she’s well over eighty. Second, that her blood has a mysterious power to heal.
For Elyse, these things don’t make her special. They make life dangerous. After the death of her parents, she’s been careful to keep her secret as closely guarded as possible. Now, only one other person in the world knows about her age and ability. Or so she thinks.
Elyse is not the only one keeping secrets. There are others like her all over the world, descendants of the very people the Greeks considered gods. She is one of them, and they have been waiting for her for a long time. Among so many of her kind, she should not be very remarkable—except for the prophecy. Some believe she will put an end to traditions, safeguarded by violence, which have oppressed her people for centuries. Others are determined to keep her from doing just that. But for Elyse, the game is just beginning—and she’s not entirely willing to play by their rules.
Neuveröffentlichung am 2. September 2015
Uprising (Children of the Gods #2) – Spoilergefahr
Elyse has done everything she can to protect her friends from The Council’s reach. As long as they believe she’s dead, she has time to rest and train for war. And war is inevitable.
When Kara arrives with the news that Anna and Chloe have been captured, Elyse is faced with the realization that no one is safe until The Council is stopped and Christoph is destroyed. She doesn’t need a prophecy to tell her to lead an army. Christoph has done the one thing that ensures she’ll fight to the death. He’s threatened the people she loves.
It will take more than the words of an oracle to help them fight against the most powerful Descendant alive. To break The Council’s oppression and rise up against a plot so many years in the making, Elyse will need to get dangerously close to her enemy. So close, in fact, she may not survive.
Neuveröffentlichung am 2. Oktober 2015
Redemption (Children of the Gods #3) – Spoilergefahr
Lead Council member, Christoph, is dead by Elyse’s hand, and Descendants have begun to emerge, exposing their secret to the world. Some see this as the prophecy come to fruition, but the prophecy caries a heavy consequence. It was never meant to be as peaceful as most had hoped.
Humans and Descendants struggle to live together in a world that isn’t ready for such a change. America is divided. Those who glorify the supernatural race believe Descendants truly are the gods they claim relation to. Others see them as a threat.
When Elyse gives birth to the next generation oracle, she sees one final vision—war. The destruction of the country’s major cities, and the end of America as we know it.
After her daughter is born, Elyse finds herself without the ability she needs to predict the future. Desperate to save the world from such conflict, she puts her faith in the hope that Descendants are the key to survival. After all, they have the power to supply a broken society with the means to survive. Only from of the ashes can a new world be Born.
Veröffentlichung am 2. November 2015
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Ich möchte jedem, der spannungsgeladene dramatische Plots aus einer Mischung von griechischer Mythologie und Fantastic Four, mit unheimlich facettenreichen Figuren liebt, diese Bücher voller Begeisterung ans Herz legen! Und nein, leider ist eine Übersetzung ins Deutsche nach wie vor nicht in Aussicht.
Wer sich an die Originaltitel traut, wird sicher nicht enttäuscht.
Anytime! I am really happy about the news and upcoming (re-)release. :)